Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Dog Whistle Politics By Ian Haney Lopez - 1006 Words

Ian Haney Lopez is a professor of Law at the University of California at Berkeley. He was raised in Hawaii as a biracial kid coming from an albeit white and Salvadorian heritage. Due to Lopez background, he has evolved into a critical race theorist. In the novel Dog Whistle Politics, Lopez details his initial reaction to his Harvard Law professor Bell’s theory. According to Derrick Bell, â€Å"black people will never gain full equality in this country. Even those herculean efforts we hail as successful will produce no more than temporary ‘peaks of progress’, short-lived victories that slide into irrelevance as racial patterns adapt in ways that maintain white dominance† (Lopez, x). Lopez describes the time when he stormed out of professor Bell’s class as a student because he was disturbed by Bell’s insistence on the permanence of racism in American society. However, despite the fact that Lopez is a liberal, he soon realizes that â€Å"profess ors Bell was correct: racism is not disappearing, it’s adapting† (Lopez, xii). Lopez is then honored to have been selected to give the lecture of the man whose ideas he had originally found so fraught. Lopez throughout the novel is set to prove that since the early 1960’s up to the present conservative politicians in the Republican party and the Southern wing of the Democratic party have used racial code words and images to invoke race-based fear and tension in White voters to gather votes. Dog Whistle Politics analysis chronologically into detailShow MoreRelatedDog Whistle Politics Of The 1960s2333 Words   |  10 PagesJacob Garbison Professor Sean Trundle History 355 4 December 2014 Dog Whistle Politics of the 1960s On July 2, after signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, President Lyndon B. Johnson reportedly said to his staff, â€Å"I think we just gave the South to the Republicans for your lifetime and mine.† (Perlstein 365) He was wrong. Although he never lived to see it, Jimmy Carter won a Democratic South in 1976 - but it was for the last time. Nonetheless, the party which had dominated the South for almost a centuryRead MoreRace : Race And Race Essay1650 Words   |  7 Pagesand soda from a local grocery store† (Cacho 1). Additionally, Ian Haney Lopez explains how racism has evolved in his book called, â€Å"Dog Whistle.† Racist comments are not publically relayed but are instead disguised so that any racist intents could be reasonably denied (Lopez). For example, Lopez explains that when politics mention â€Å"Welfare Queen† or â€Å"Food Stamp President† they are referring minorities specifically in this case blacks. Lopez then goes on to state that, †Å"A Stereotype is a sort of culturalRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesIndividual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and StressRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor in Chief: Eric Svendsen Acquisitions Editor: Kim Norbuta Editorial Project Manager: Claudia Fernandes Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Marketing Assistant: Ian Gold Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Senior Production Project Manager: Kelly Warsak Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Ilene Kahn Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Interior Design: Suzanne Duda and Michael Fruhbeis

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Assassin Strikes Again Free Essays

Once there lived a man named Jack. Every day he woke up refreshed and renewed. Jack started the day by having a nice big stretch, and then he did 100 press-ups. We will write a custom essay sample on The Assassin Strikes Again or any similar topic only for you Order Now He took a cold shower and brushed his teeth with Sensodyne Jack dressed him self in casual clothes and left for work. Jack has a usual profession. He is hired by rich and powerful people to murder the innocent and honest. Jack became an assassin when he was a teenager. During his childhood he had been kind, generous and helpful boy. One day he was walking home with his friends. Jack’s friends suggested that they should go through the alley because it was a shortcut home. Jack agreed and so did the others. They walked through the dark, deep and frightening alley, then they saw a gang of bullies in the alley but they decided not to run. It was a bad decision. The biggest bully started straight away on Jack’s smallest friend Mark. Jack consumed with anger, picked up a iron bar and whacked it down violently on the bully’s head â€Å"Ahhhh† Jack yelled ferociously, the bullies terrified ran away as fast as they could Jack kept on hitting and hitting the bully until he could not move a muscle. His shocked friends knew he had killed him. They ran way in different directions. The police arrived. Jack ran as fast as he could, until he was out of breath, Even now he’s still running and running away from the Police. News travelled fast and within months rich and powerful people were begging Jack to kill their enemies. During a few years Jack was responsible for 15 deaths of innocent people. He was there offered one million pounds to murderer a man called Tom Matthews by his former friend Reece Jones. Tom and Reece had been best friends. Tom was a kind, generous and an intelligent man. Tom had a beautiful wife names Angela. They had just got married three months ago; Tom had joined Reece’s company shortly before. Every day he dressed in a black suit and went off early in the morning to work. He was on time every day and ready to go. Tom had a poor family back ground and was determined to make best of his chances. Reece had a wealthy back ground and was always wasting money on gambling. He was always late for work, Reece was very jealous of Tom. One day Tom got promoted to Assistant Manager, Reece was so furious he said â€Å"that’s it! I will have Tom murdered!† When he finished work, he rushed home to call an assassin and arranged a meeting outside an abandoned house. He gave Tom’s details and his picture to Jack. Reece paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100, 000 in advance the rest to follow when the job was done. Jack researched Tom’s lifestyle carefully and worked out when Tom would be alone. It was when he went through the junk yard as a shortcut to his home. Jack planned the murder methodically. He would use a rifle with a silencer to shoot him. On May 17th 2004 the plan took action. First he would pretend he was being attacked by a vicious gang He would run up to Tom and beg for his help and say â€Å"I am being attacked by a vicious gang who are trying to murder me.† Tom was driving on the way home from work, feeling tired and sleepy when he was driving through the junk yard, a man rushed in front of his car, Tom stepped as hard as he could on the brake Tom stormed out of his car and asked mysterious man â€Å"Are you Ok† the strange man replied â€Å"no I am not I am being chased by a vicious gang who want to murder me†. The stranger wore a black leather coat and a woollen knitted scarf covering him from the misty fog and cold. The man told Tom he was delivering a package and was shocked when he saw a gang of teenagers brutally murdering an innocent man. Tom went a few steps ahead to see whether he could locate the gang. Jack took out his rifle from his right coat pocket and pointed it at when Tom looked at Jack with astonishment and a fear of death, Jack shot Tom with no hesitation or any mercy the bullet tore through the muscles as it went for the heart of Tom. Tom could see the blood was red As a red paint. Tom could see the blood on Jacks shoes as he fell on to the ground as he was falling he repeatedly asked â€Å"why†, â€Å"why† When he fell on to the ground there was silence. Jack made Tom’s murder seem like an accident he put Tom into the car and drove Tom off the cliff. The next day Jack received the full payment from Reece. As Jack was reading the news paper, he saw that Tom’s death made the front page. Seeing Tom’s wife’s picture made him realise that Tom’s wife was the girl he loved when he was in school. After thinking for several hours he came up with the decision that he should surrender to the police. The next day he stood in front of the police station thinking should I surrender to the police or not. How to cite The Assassin Strikes Again, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Teens and Smoking Essay Example For Students

Teens and Smoking Essay Teens and SmokingAbstractCigarette smoking is of interest to the National Institute on Drug Abuse bothbecause of the public health problems associated with this form of substanceabuse and because this behavior represents a prototypic dependence process. Inthe past few years the government has made every effort to reach the masses, inan attempt to curb the exploitation of tobbacco use, and its acceptance amongAmericas Youngsters. However, cigarette smoking among adolescents is on therise. The premise that the behavior of adolescents is influenced by the behavior oftheir parents is central to many considerations of health and social behavior(Ausubel, Montemayor, Svajiian, 1977; Bandura Walters, 1963). Many youngpeople between 10-18 years of age experiment with smoking, smoking is apersonal choice, and usually exploratory in nature. Typically, it takes placein rather young people and is largely dependent on: first, the availability ofopportunity to engage in the behavior, second, having a fairly high degree ofcuriosity about the effects of the behavior; third, in finding it a way ofexpressing either conformity to the behavior or others (such as parents, oldersiblings or peers), forth, as in Miller and Dollars explanation ofObservational Learning, The Copying behavior effect. This research is to examine the effects of parental smoking (behavior), has, onthe decision of teens to smoke cigarettes. Due to prior studies using globalmeasures that may or may not include South Eastern North Carolina. TheFayetteville/Fort Bragg area was chosen for this study to pinpoint the effectsin this particular locale. Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base have a verydiverse socieo-economic and culturally diverse population, which will have apositive effect on randomness of sample selection. With this association inmind, this researcher is interested in knowing if there is a relationship ofParental influence on Teen Smoking within this Military Community. IntroductionThe prevalence of cigarette smoking among young teenagers is a growingproblem in the United States, many young people between the ages of 10-18 areexperimenting with tobacco. During the 1040s and 50s smoking was popular andsocially acceptable. Movie stars, sports heroes, and celebrities appeared incigarette advertisements that promoted and heavily influenced teens. Influencealso came from Television and other media sources. The desires to be acceptedand to feel grown up are among the most common reasons to start smoking. Yet,even though teenagers sometimes smoke to gain independence, and to be part ofthe crowd parental influence plays the strongest role as to whether or theirchildren will smoke, Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), 1991. Children are exposed to and influenced by the parents, siblings, and the medialong before peer pressure will become a factor. Mothers should not smoke duringpregnancy, nicotine, which crosses the placental barrier, may affect the femalefetus during an important period of development so as to predispose the brainto the addictive influence of nicotine. Prenatal exposure to smoking haspreviously been linked with impairments in memory, learning, cognition, andperception in the growing child. (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 1995)Subsequent follow-up after 12 years suggest that regardless of the amount orduration of current or past maternal smoking, the strongest correlation betweenmaternal smoking and a daughters smoking occurred when the mother smokedduring pregnancy. NIDA also reported that of 192 mothers and their first bornadolescents with a mean age of 12 1/2, the analysis revealed that 26.6% of thegirls whose mother smoked while pregnant had smoked in the past year. The 1991 smoking prevalence estimate of 25.7% is virtually no different from theprevious years estimate of 25.5%. If current trends persist, we will not meetone of the nations health objectives, particularly a smoking prevalence of nomore than 15% by the year 2000. When comparing the use of alcohol, cigarettes,and other drugs, only cigarette use did not decline substantially among highschool senior among 1981 to 1991. In contrast studies performed by householdsurvey by the NIDA and the CDC, (Centers for Disease Control) in 1991 and 92respectively, suggested that the strongest influence on teenage smoking isparents. Research also revealed that approximately three fourths of adultregular smokers smoke their first cigarette before the age of 18. This data wasacquired while trying to determine the brand preferences of young smokers todetermine what encouraged them to smoke and to suggest smoking prevention orsmoking cessation strategies, the studies found that in over 80% of thehousehold s surveyed, one or both parents smoked. Many teenagers begin smokingto feel grow-up. However, if they are still smoking when they reach 30, thereason is no longer to feel like an adult; at this point, they are smoking fromhabit. Goodwin, D. W., Guze, S. B. (1984). Young children who see olderchildren or family members smoking cigarettes are going to equate smoking withbeing grown up. Patterns of both drinking and smoking, which are closelyassociated, are strongly influenced by the lifestyles of family members peersand by the environments in which they live. Minimal, moderate, and heavy levelsof drinking, smoking, and drug use, among family members are stronglyassociated with very similar patterns of use among adolescents. Bentler, P.,Newcoomb, M., (1989). Parents who smoke and wish they didnt shouldconcentrate on their own efforts to stop and hope that their offspring get themessage. .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 , .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .postImageUrl , .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 , .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72:hover , .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72:visited , .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72:active { border:0!important; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72:active , .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72 .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6aa52f821da2b2960daeb4e79d420e72:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Hawthrone Studiesdouglas | Mcgregor's Theory X and Theory Y | Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs EssayAnother good view of smoking among young people can be obtained from the federalgovernments Annual National Survey of drug use among seniors, and now otherhigh school students. Reports of cigarette use in the past years have declinedsince the peak of almost 40% in 1975. The 30% mark was crossed in 1981, with avery gradual further decline to 25.7% in 1991 and increased to 27.8% in 1992,Johnston, OMalley, (1993). According to cognitive social learning theory, boysand girls learn appropriate behavior through reinforcement and modeling. Todate, numerous studies have exami ned parental influence on teenage smoking andhas yielded equivocal results Due to the implications of cigarette smokingbehavior for the public health and the view that smoking is the prototypicaldependence process. Research taken from the TAPS (Teen-age Attitudes andpractices Survey) 1992, reported that if parents smoke, their children are morelikely to smoke. In regions of the United States that was surveyed, it wasdocumented that 9135 of 11609 (79%), of the respondents to the survey ofteenage smokers lived in households where one or both parents/guardians smokedtobacco. This information was taken from household samples of adolescents ages12-18 done by a computer Assisted Telephone interviewing system (CAT). Thegoal of this research is to focus upon the systematic compilation of datacollected in this survey/correlation study and serve as a basis for designingfeasible and effective treatment strategies as well as enhance ourunderstanding of dependence associated with cigarette smoki ng and substanceabuse. Method DesignQuestions will be of nominal and rating format (attached), Non respondents willnot be included in the study. The questions (10), will be on a 8 1/2x 11 sheetof paper. The questions will be divided into three categories, (health historyof parents present smoking habits, and general. The Dependent variable used inthis study is adolescent smoking behavior. SubjectsA total of 500 teens male and female 14-18 years old, randomly selected fromvarious areas around the Fort Bragg, Pope Air Force Base, and Fayetteville area. $2 will be given in exchange for participation. MaterialsQuestionnaires will be given to individuals upon their approval to participatein the study, a number two pencil will be used to write with. ProcedureParticipants will be chosen at random from either the Post Exchange and themovie theaters of the Fort Bragg area. Participation will be voluntary after anexplanation of the study. Since this research involve minors, eachparticipants will sign a release form. Each respondent will be allotted 15minutes to complete the questionnaire, and not to discuss the contents withother participants. However participants, will be told that they can discussthis issue with parents/guardians. A phone number of the researcher will begiven to each respondent in case of any afterthoughts. Non respondents will notbe included in the study. The questions (10), will be on a 8 1/2x 11 sheet ofpaper and consist of both, true/false, and nominal data, yes/no. The questionswill be divided into three categories, (health history of parents presentsmoking habits, and general. chi-square and t-distribution statistics will beused to identify significant differences between sub samples. ReferencesBauman, K. E., Foshee, V. A., Linzer, M. A., Koch, G. G. (1990). Effect of parental smoking classification on the association between parentaland adolescent smoking. Addictive-behaviors, 15,(5), 413-422. Horevitz, M. J., (1985). Disasters and psychological responses tostress. Psychiatric Annals, 15, 161-167. Hu, F. B. Flak, B. R., Hedeker, D. (1995). The inlfuence of friendsand parental smoking on adolescent smoking behavior. Journal of Applied SocialPsychology, v4 (3), 215-225. Jessor, R. (1993). Successful adolescent development among high-risksettings, American Psychologist, 48, 117-126. .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 , .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .postImageUrl , .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 , .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58:hover , .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58:visited , .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58:active { border:0!important; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58:active , .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58 .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u72287f7ba1a3c89209e9287f2421bb58:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Martin Luther King Jr?s Most Effectual Appeal in t EssayJohnston, L., OMalley, P., Bachman, J. (1988). Drug use amongAmerican high school students, College students and other young adults. National trends through 1991. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Research Monograph Series, (1979). Cigarette Smoking as a dependenceProcess. National Institute on Drug Abuse. 23Science

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Opium War Essays - Opium, ChinaUnited Kingdom Relations

The Opium War The Opium War The Opium War, also called the Anglo-Chinese War, was the most humiliating defeat China ever suffered. In European history, it is perhaps the most sordid, base, and vicious event in European history, possibly, just possibly, overshadowed by the excesses of the Third Reich in the twentieth century. By the 1830's, the English had become the major drug-trafficking criminal organization in the world; very few drug cartels of the twentieth century can even touch the England of the early nineteenth century in sheer size of criminality. Growing opium in India, the East India Company shipped tons of opium into Canton which it traded for Chinese manufactured goods and for tea. This trade had produced, quite literally, a country filled with drug addicts, as opium parlors proliferated all throughout China in the early part of the nineteenth century. This trafficing, it should be stressed, was a criminal activity after 1836, but the British traders generously bribed Canton officials in order to keep the opium traffic flowing. The effects on Chinese society were devestating. In fact, there are few periods in Chinese history that approach the early nineteenth century in terms of pure human misery and tragedy. In an effort to stem the tragedy, the imperial government made opium illegal in 1836 and began to aggressively close down the opium dens. Lin Tse-hs The key player in the prelude to war was a brilliant and highly moral official named Lin Tse-hs. Deeply concerned about the opium menace, he maneuverd himself into being appointed Imperial Commissioner at Canton. His express purpose was to cut off the opium trade at its source by rooting out corrupt officials and cracking down on British trade in the drug. He took over in March of 1839 and within two months, absolutely invulnerable to bribery and corruption, he had taken action against Chinese merchants and Western traders and shut down all the traffic in opium. He destroyed all the existing stores of opium and, victorious in his war against opium, he composed a letter to Queen Victoria of England requesting that the British cease all opium trade. His letter included the argument that, since Britain had made opium trade and consumption illegal in England because of its harmful effects, it should not export that harm to other countries. Trade, according to Lin, should only be in beneficial objects. To be fair to England, if the only issue on the table were opium, the English probably (just probably) would have acceded to Lin's request. The British, however, had been nursing several grievances against China, and Lin's take-no-prisoners enforcement of Chinese laws combined to outrage the British against his decapitation of the opium trade. The most serious bone of contention involved treaty relations; because the British refused to submit to the emperor, there were no formal treaty relations between the two countries. The most serious problem precipitated by this lack of treaty relations involved the relationship between foreigners and Chinese law. The British, on principle, refused to hand over British citizens to a Chinese legal system that they felt was vicious and barbaric. The Chinese, equally principled, demanded that all foreigners who were accused of committing crimes on Chinese soil were to be dealt with solely by Chinese officials. In many ways, this was the real issue of the Opium War. In addition to enforcing the opium laws, Lin aggressively pursued foreign nationals accused of crimes. The English, despite Lin's eloquent letter, refused to back down from the opium trade. In response, Lin threatened to cut off all trade with England and expel all English from China. Thus began the Opium War. The War War broke out when Chinese junks attempted to turn back English merchant vessels in November of 1839; although this was a low-level conflict, it inspired the English to send warships in June of 1840. The Chinese, with old-style weapons and artillery, were no match for the British gunships, which ranged up and down the coast shooting at forts and fighting on land. The Chinese were equally unprepared for the technological superiority of the British land armies, and suffered continual defeats. Finally, in 1842, the Chinese were forced to agree to an ignomious peace under the Treaty of Nanking. The treaty imposed on the Chinese was weighted entirely to the British side. Its first and fundamental demand was for British "extraterritoriality"; all British citizens would be subjected to British, not Chinese, law if they committed any crime on Chinese soil. The British would no longer have to pay tribute to the imperial administration in order to trade with China, and they gained five open ports for British trade:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Noise Pollution on Students Essay Example

Noise Pollution on Students Essay Example Noise Pollution on Students Paper Noise Pollution on Students Paper certain studies were conducted and researcher found out that because plants cannot move they just rely on birds and other animals, those animals that were affected by noise pollutants derive the effect to plants and these results to plants to pollinate slowly or even die. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The following objectives were formulated by the researchers: TO inform learners readers the importance of listening skills in the school. Also, to give added information regarding the impact of noise pollution in the learning activities of the students. To share with others best practice of positive cooperation to inspire changes that enhances the quality, livability and capability of everyone. To inform readers and students the harmful effects that they encounter each day in school. This study may help inform may bring knowledge to everyone in order to lessen its effects causes. SCOPE AND LIMITATION The scope of this study underlies the academic progress of each students/ learners most probably those in the public high schools. And on the other hand this study delimits itself in other educational institutions such s formal and informal education that includes mechanical practices, because as we all know there are several learning areas that usually have sound involvement. Evil. REVIEW OF RELATED Noise pollution LITERATURE Essay by eligible, Junior High, 9th grade, B+, December 2006 Traveling home from work provides no relief from the noisiness of the office. The ordinary sounds of blaring taxi horns and rumbling buses are occasionally punctuated by the ear-piercing screech of car brakes. Taking a shortcut through the park will bring the weary worker face to face with chanting elisions cults, freelance musicians, screaming children, and barking dogs. None of these sounds can compare with the large radios many park visitors carry. Each radio blasts out something different, from heavy- metal rock to baseball, at decibel levels so strong that they make eardrums throb in pain. If there are birds singing or wind in the trees, the harries commuter will never hear them. Student travels to Grand Canyon to research noise poll suction issues By: Nikkei Mitchell Once in the Grand Canyon, Lynch said, the other students and a guide made their way down the river, stopping to sleep on the beach under the tars. Each student was equipped with clothes, a sleeping bag tarp and a small air mattress, he said. Their main project was to do first-hand research about the sounds in nature and how those sounds are affected by noise pollution from helicopter tours and other man-made distractions. The Grand Canyon is facing problems with the helicopter tours and the wildlife in the canyon is affected by the noise, Lynch said. In addition to the research in the canyon, students shared personal stories about what it is like to live with a hearing impairment and the stereotypes that come with it. Several Skips meetings were held to prepare the group for the trip as well as work on the educational curriculum that taught the students how to become ambassadors and create campaigns to raise awareness before and after the trip. After participating in the trip, Lynch hopes to help to create a Hear the World organization on Gnus campus and college campuses across the country, he said. Laura Portal, the program director at Leading the Way, worked with Global Explorers to coordinate the trip. She also participated in the trip as the expedition leader. The Grand Canyon Was chosen because of the noise pollution issues and because it eave the students an opportunity to look at issues in specific places, she said. A $1,700 program fee was charged to students in the group, as well as the cost for airfare to fly in and out of Phoenix. The program fee covered food expenses, a travel guide and educational curriculum. Full scholarships were given to many of the participants, according to Portal. Noise Pollution in the Classroom By Kathy Able Karen Juliann doesnt need a team of scientific researchers to tell her that her daughters school has a noise problem. In fact, she doesnt even need to venture into the classroom. If you stand outside my daughters elementary school, you see the planes fly directly over the building, says this Rhode Island mom. Her sixth, graders school, the John Brown Francis Elementary, stands near the rapidly growing T. F. Green Airport in Warwick. On stormy or foggy days, school staffers observe, the jets fly even lower. In a survey taken several years ago, every one of the schools teachers said they were forced to stop lessons because of noise from planes, as often as ten times a day. Do the disruptions affect the learning process? Many parents and teachers believe they do. Research dating back more than 20 years confirms Sultanas impressions. A landmark 1975 study by Arlene Bronzing, Ph. D. , found that students at a New York City school whose classrooms faced elevated train tracks suffered significant reading delays, when measured against students not exposed to the same exterior noise. Six years later, after the school installed soundproofing and rubber resilient pads were placed on the train tracks, a follow-up study revealed that childrens reading deficits had been eliminated. Noise Pollution and Hearing Protection posted by RAT Cunningham on June 9, 2009 Many of my relatives in the Philippines, as well as a lot of other people, are binging (hard of hearing) due to being exposed to continuous noise pollution without wearing any kind of hearing protection. My wife is included in that mix. Do you know how frustrating it is to have to repeat yourself in a language which isnt your first language? I cant be sure whether the other person didnt hear what I said or that I said it wrong. The people that live away from the city (further away than I do) dont suffer from hearing loss caused by noise pollution. I can tell the difference when Im talking to omen who comes to the city on rare occasions. I just wish my relatives would listen to me when tell them to avoid the noise. Wonder if theyd wear earplugs even if I went out of my way to get them some. Some people are just too papayas (hard-headed) to do whats necessary no matter what I tell them. When Noise is Too Much: Noise pollution and what you can do about it By JANE OMNIPOTENCE In some highly urbanize cities like New York and Paris, measures have been adopted regarding this problem. But since noise pollution is an intangible dilemma, unlike other societal problems like garbage, the enforcement is questionable. In the Philippines, the National Pollution Control Commission used to regulate noise. When the commission became non-operational, the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (EMBED-EDEN) took its functions. Section 5 of the Philippine Environment Code (PDP 1 152) promulgated in 1977 states that with regard to community noise standards, appropriate standards for community noise levels shall be established considering, among others, location, zoning and land use classification. One can file a pollution case before the EDEN regarding annoying noise. However, this kind of conflict usually ends with negotiations among the parties involved instead of actually filing criminal charges and going to court. The Effect of Noise on Wildlife: A Literature Review Author: Autumn Lyn Raddled Noise pollution, as it affects humans, has been a recognized problem for decades, but the effect of noise on wildlife has only recently been considered a potential threat to animal health and long-term survival. Research into the effects of noise on wildlife, which has been growing rapidly since the 1 sass, often presents conflicting results because of the variety f factors and variables that can effect and/or interfere with the determination of the actual effects that human-produced noise is having on any given creature. Both land and marine wildlife have been studied, especially in regards to noise in the National Parks System and the onslaught of human- made cacophony in the oceans from military, commercial and scientific endeavors. Most researchers agree that noise can effect an animals physiology and behavior, and if it becomes a chronic stress, noise can be injurious to an animals energy budget, reproductive success and long-term survival. Armed with this understanding it should follow that humans would attempt to minimize the threat to wildlife by reducing the amount of noise that they are exposed to in natural areas; but this has not been the situation. Natural areas continue to be degraded by human-made noise, wildlife continues to suffer from these disturbances, and to date the majority of the debate revolves around the egocentric demands of people to either produce more noise in nature (through motorized recreation, scientific research, military exercises etc. ) or experience natural areas in the absence of anthropogenic Jose. Neither side has adequately addressed the issue from the obstetric view of wildlife and the known, or as yet undiscovered, damage that our increasingly noisy human-altered environment is inflicting upon them. Noise Pollution: The Sound behind Heart Effects M. Nathaniel Mead More than 15 million Americans currently have some form of coronary heart disease (COD), which involves a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Risk factors for COD include diabetes, high blood pressure, altered blood lipids, obesity, smoking, menopause, and inactivity. To this list we can now add noise, thanks to a recent study and assessment of the evidence by the WHO Noise Environmental Burden on Disease working group. The findings, first presented at the Interpose 2007 conference in August 2007, will be published in December. Were new data indicate that noise pollution is causing more deaths from heart disease than was previously thought, says working group member Deep Brasher, a professor of ideology at university College in London perhaps hundreds of thousands around the world. Until now, the burden of disease related to the general populations exposure to environmental noise as rarely been estimated in unconditional settings at the international level. A Literature Survey of Noise Pollution. CATHOLIC UNIVAC OF AMERICA WASHINGTON D C INSIST OF OCEAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Personal Author(s): Shih,H. H. Physically, noise is a complex sound that has little or no periodicity. However, the essential characteristic of noise is its undesirability. Thus, noise can be defined as any annoying or unwanted sound. In recent years, the rapid increase of noise level in our environment has become a national public health hazard. Noise affects mans state of mental, physical, and social ell-being. The problem forms a special type of air pollution. Noise study is a rather new subject among other branches of science. The transition from art to near-science started from before the World War II. The work is an attempt to arrive at an understanding of the general situation on the problem of noise. The survey consists of four major parts: the present status of noise pollution, its sources, its effects, and the control. Many urgent research needs are also identified. Finally, lists of terminology and bibliography relating to noise pollution problems are provided. (Author) Noise Pollution: A Modern Plague By: Lisa Goings, RUN; Louis Haggler, MD Noise is defined as unwanted sound. Environmental noise consists of all the unwanted sounds in our communities except that which originates in the workplace. Environmental noise pollution, a form of air pollution, is a threat to health and well-being. It is more severe and widespread than ever before, and it will continue to increase in magnitude and severity because of population growth, arbitration, and the associated growth in the use of increasingly powerful, varied, and highly mobile sources of noise. It will also intention to grow because of sustained growth in highway, rail, and air traffic, which remain major sources of environmental noise. The potential health effects of noise pollution are numerous, pervasive, persistent, and medically and socially significant. Noise produces direct and cumulative adverse effects that impair health and that degrade residential, social, working, and learning environments with corresponding real (economic) and intangible (well-being) losses. It interferes with sleep, concentration, communication, and recreation. The aim of enlightened governmental controls should be to rooter citizens from the adverse effects of airborne pollution, including those produced by noise. People have the right to choose the nature of their acoustical environment; it should not be imposed by others. Case Study on Noise Level in Moser City By: Nave G. M 1, Avian Kumar B. MM Sound comes from the vibrations in molecules, and is always traveling through a substance, whether it is a solid, liquid, or gas. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because there are no molecules for the sound to travel through. Noise pollution (or environmental noise) is displeasing human-, animal- or machine-created sound that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life. A common form of noise pollution is from transportation, principally motor vehicles. Noise health effects are both health and behavioral in nature. The unwanted sound is called noise. This unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological health. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, sleep disturbances. In the present study, attempts are made to study the noise level range at different roads of the Moser city. Traffic behavior and characteristics at various roads near schools, hospitals, railway tracks, offices, courts, etc. Sing Sound Level Mete. Then, the maximum value of noise level in decibels is estimated.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How To Work with Glass Tubing in the Lab

How To Work with Glass Tubing in the Lab Glass tubing is used to connect other pieces of lab equipment. It can be cut, bent and stretched for a variety of uses. Here is how to work glass tubing safely for a chemistry lab or other scientific laboratory. Types of Glass Tubing There are two main types of glass that are commonly found in glass tubing using in labs: flint glass and borosilicate glass. Flint glass gets its name from the flint nodules found in English chalk deposits that were a source of high purity silica, which was used to produce a potash lead glass. Originally, flint glass was a leaded glass, containing anywhere from 4–60% lead oxide. Modern flint glass tends to contain a much lower percentage of lead. This is the most common type of glass worked in labs because it softens at low temperatures, such as those produced by an alcohol lamp or burner flame. It is easy to manipulate and inexpensive. Borosilicate glass is a high-temperature glass made from a mixture of silica and boron oxide. Pyrex is a well-known example of borosilicate glass. This type of glass cant be worked with an alcohol flame; a gas flame or other hot flame is needed. Borosilicate glass costs more and typically isnt worth the extra effort for a home chemistry lab, but it is common in school and commercial labs because of its chemical inertness and resistance to thermal shock. Borosilicate glass has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion. Selecting Glass To Use There are other considerations besides the chemical composition of the glass tubing. You can buy tubing in various length, wall thickness, inside diameter and outside diameter. Usually, the outside diameter is the critical factor because it determines whether or not the glass tubing will fit in a stopper or other connector for your setup. The most common outside diameter (OD) is 5 mm, but its a good idea to check your stoppers before buying, cutting or bending glass.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Role and Functions of Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Role and Functions of Law - Essay Example According to Reference.com (2007), law is defined as: â€Å"rules of conduct of any organized society, however simple or small, that are enforced by threat of punishment if they are violated. Modern law has a wide sweep and regulates many branches of conduct.† Law is the set of rules that help government in governing the conduct, social behavior, handle disputes, conflicts and deal with crime. Based on its role, law is classified into various categories like: criminal, civil, labor law. These play a major role in the society and its institutions. Criminal law has the powers to prosecute a criminal for an action that is deemed or defined as crime according to the letter of law. It has nothing to do with ethics or moral. It is not personal neither religious. It is objective and lays common law for all citizens of a country. Legislatures frame law by passing acts, bills and statutes. There are laws that govern the social and constitutional rights of each individual. They ensure safety and security of the citizens. Under civil law a citizen can file a suit for a compensation, etc. There are also guidelines in the form of procedural law that guides the jurisdictions of various courts. They detail on the trial methods and judgments. Different branches of law specialize in unique institutional and behavioral aspects of the society. It is the constitution of any country that delegates powers to various heads and sectors within the government. For instance, the US constitution Article II gives the president the executive power and it also states the powers of the US Supreme court and other Federal courts (Mallor and Barnes, pg. 54). This decides the powers of jurisdiction of various courts like appellate courts, state courts and trails courts, etc. It also says the extent to which state legislatures can exert their powers. In discussing the role that lawyers play in our society, Norman Redlich, Dean at New York

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Lab6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lab6 - Essay Example The next largest amount of energy consumed is by the clothes dryer, which averages about 1000 kwh per year. An average refrigerator appears to use, approximately, 700 kwh per year. Using the information provided on the website the cost to run an average refrigerator in one year is about $110 per year (Tips: Appliances) â€Å"Green pricing† is the prices given to those individuals that wish to purchase renewable energy directly from their company that provides it. This is something that I would consider participating in, however I would be more likely to invest in energy alternatives on my own and eliminate the need for anymore middle men. Visual inspections inside and outside your home can help you determine if you possibly have a air leak, check the areas around light switch plates and sockets. You can also the household cable lines, which can also lead to air leaks (Detecting Air Leaks). Two very simple things that one can do to save energy in the fall and winter months includes, opening up all the southern facing windows during the day to allow the sun to help naturally heat your home and turning town the temperature on the hot water heater (Fall and Winter Energy-Saving Tips). There are three ways the heat flows through house. Conduction, which is how heat moves through a material, Convection, which is the way that heat moves around through liquids and gases, and finally, radiant heat is the heat absorbed by things in its path. The use of insulation is helpful to primarily reduce the conduction of heat throughout the home (Insulation). Tankless water heaters are exactly as they sound they are a heating element for the water demands without an actual tank. One great positive is that these systems can lead to greener energy efficiency and the negative includes the fact that more water is wasted while one must wait for the water to get hot. In order to determine

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Critical Analysis of Two Primary Schools Essay Example for Free

Critical Analysis of Two Primary Schools Essay A critical analysis of the All Saints Primary School and Liverpool College Prep School websites. All Saints homepage immediately stresses the importance of learning together and demonstrates the emphasis that is placed upon religion within in the school. Their mission statement is presented as being â€Å"All Saints is a community where God’s light in each individual is nurtured and loved, allowing his spirit to shine in each one of us within our Catholic environment†. This is in contrast with Liverpool College which instead chooses to focus upon academic attainment on its homepage, stating: â€Å"High academic achievement is our primary aim and our results in national tests show that our standards are some of the best in the city and far above average in mathematics and English†. Both websites are extremely informative to the browser and offer detailed information on issues such as admission and behavioral policies. There is also a message from both headmasters outlining their visions for the schools. The schools contrast however in their ethos, religion appears to play an integral role within all aspects of All Saints whereas there is no mention of it within the Liverpool College website. Although both schools place a great importance upon producing an environment in which every child matters and feels secure. Liverpool College Prep School also displays information concerning tuition fees, whereas All Saints website being a voluntary aided school is free of cost to prospective pupils. Both schools however do demonstrate the significance they place upon extra-curricular activities by dedicating pages on their websites to the opportunities that are available to pupils within their school. The websites of both schools also outline the curriculum the school adheres to as well display their anti-bullying policies so they are accessible to all. The two schools display information for parents and offer advice and support in how they can effectively support their child through primary education. On the All Saints website this page is accompanied by a behavioural policy which the children are expected to comply with. Liverpool College asks parents to contact the school if they would like to receive a copy of the behavioural policy.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The American Revolution, A Fight for Colonial Independence Essay

â€Å"Is there a single trait of resemblance between those few towns and a great and growing people spread over a vast quarter of the globe, separated by a mighty ocean?† This question posed by Edmund Burke was in the hearts of nearly every colonist before the colonies gained their independence from Britain. The colonists’ heritage was largely British, as was their outlook on a great array of subjects; however, the position and prejudices they held concerning their independence were comprised entirely from American ingenuity. This identity crisis of these â€Å"British Americans† played an enormous role in the colonists’ battle for independence, and paved the road to revolution. As a result of the French and Indian War, England’s attention became focused on the areas that required tending by the government other than North America, which provided the colonies with the one thing that ensured the downfall of Britain’s monarchial reign over America: salutary neglect. The unmonitored inhabitants of the colonies accustomed themselves to a level of independence that they had never possessed before, and when these rights were jeopardized by the enforcement of the Stamp Act after the Seven Year’s War, the colonists would not take it lying down. The colonies bound together in rebellion against the taxation without representation through boycotting the use of English goods, as embodied by Benjamin Franklin’s famous drawing of a snake; the â€Å"Join or Die† snake, as a whole representing the functionality and â€Å"life† of the colonies if they would work together, also forewarns the uselessness and â€Å"death† of the individual regions, suggesting that the colonies as a whole would have to fight the revolution against the Mother Country or else fail miserably... ...07-1788. Source: Thomas Bailey, The American Pageant, 11th Edition, 1998. Source: Thomas Bailey, The American Pageant, 11th Edition, 1998. Works Cited: Edmund Burke, â€Å"Notes for Speech in Parliament, 3 February 1766† Thomas Bailey, The American Pageant, 11th Edition, 1998 Hector St. John Crà ¨vecoeur, Letters from an American Farmer, composed in the 1770's, published 1781 Ellis, Elser, World History: Connections to Today, 2001 Benjamin Franklin, Pennsylvania Gazette, 1754 Richard Henry Lee to Arthur Lee, 24 February 1774 Declaration for the Causes of Taking up Arms, Continental Congress, 6 July 1775 Mather Byles, Cotton Mather's grandson, to Nathaniel Emmons, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton, The Famous Mather Byles: The Noted Boston Tory Preacher, Poet and Wit, 1707-1788 Thomas Bailey, The American Pageant, 11th Edition, 1998

Monday, November 11, 2019

General Manager Person Specification Commerce Essay

My professional aim to be achieved in the following 2 old ages is to go General Manager of Grantfen Fire Security Ltd. As this function does non presently exist within the company I have researched the function of a General Manager.1.1 – General Manager Person SpecificationA General Manager has to be an enthusiastic leader with a demonstrative personality, behavior and credibleness to put, keep and transcend consistent high quality criterions commensurate with organizational outlooks. They need to hold sound analytical and computing machine accomplishments with an ability to pass on at all degrees. This individual would besides necessitate to be aim goaded – with the ability to work to, and set, timely public presentation goals/targets and clear aims with a motivational and supportive direction manner. All in all would necessitate to be a strong individualist and determination shaper with high finding to win.1.2 – General Manager Job DescriptionThe function of a General Manager would include but non be limited to the undermentioned duties Planing Administration Supplying leading Reporting on long / short term programs Research / analyse proposals for long / short term programs HR Management Recruitment Development / Training Employee Relationss Performance Management Undertaking Management Operating WIP Reports Oversee Management of Individual Projects Budget Planning Management of Sub-Contractors Application of Specifications and Standards Selling and PR Manage Ad Opportunities Oversee Content, Publication and Distribution of all Marketing and Publicity Manage Press Development Fiscal Management Provide Recommendations sing Investment / Cash Schemes Oversee Preparation of Annual Budgets. Provide Vision and Advise sing Overall Financial Health and Long Range Fiscal Planning Administrative Management Ensure Accurate Quality Control through ISO9001 Procedures / SSAIB / BAFE Oversee High Standards of Health and Safety Aid in Development of Quality Processes and Procedures to Guarantee Continuing Efficiency1.3 – Ideal General Manager CompetenciesThe function of General Manager takes duty for all countries of a concern including the gross and cost elements of the concern. I believe to be able to transport out this function efficaciously I will necessitate to posses the undermentioned accomplishments and competences. Leadership Skills – To be able to steer the company towards a united end and supply our clients with a quality service. Organizational Commitment – To be 100 % committed to the company and its ends in order to actuate the company and supply leading. Conceptual Thinking – To happen new and advanced ways to develop the concern and supply new services and experiences to clients Self Control – To help in determination devising and executive maps Developing Others – To guarantee that the company succeeds in all enterprises and strains loyal and determined staff. Energy and Passion – To drive a squad and actuate them to transport out responsibilities to the best of their ability.1.4 – Ideal General Manager CompetenciesThe makings required for the function of General Manager would be as below, this is non an thorough list but I believe that these makings and experiences are critical to transport out this function successfully. Preferably a grade in Business Management or tantamount degree of experience. A lower limit of 5 old ages concern experience. Demonstrable record of success at a senior degree within a general direction function in a comparable administration, sooner including the direction of preservation and proficient staff. Wide commercial experience, including finance, concern direction, human resources and IT. Prove IT competency in fiscal bundles i.e. Sage Strong interpersonal accomplishments, with the ability to pull off and develop staff making good squad work. Ability to develop, implement, manage and proctor effectual concern and fiscal systems and processs Experience and apprehension of human resource patterns, policies and processs Previous experience of Health and Safety policies, processs and patterns2 – Professional Competencies DevelopmentI have provided below a competences matrix that identifies countries in which I have proved I meet the needed competences for the General Manager Role. I have besides identified spreads that will necessitate attending and action before2.1 – Competence MatrixCompetenceSituation / Action / OutcomeFurther Actions RequiredLeadership Skills I have over 200 security and fire systems that require care and reactive plants. A portion of my occupation is to supervise the planning of these plants and do hourly determinations on which calls are reacted to first due to urgency. We late had a state of affairs where a edifice had been struck by lightning and this had efficaciously blown up the fire dismay system. As the edifice was a wellness Centre with 24/7 occupants this proved a wellness and safety exigency as without an operating fire system the edifice would hold to be evacuated. Checking which staff were on displacement I re-routed applied scientists over to site, this had to be completed in relay due to the length of clip it took to repair to guarantee that applied scientists did non compromise their ain wellness and safety. Completing plants like this encourages my staff to work efficaciously as a squad go forthing the site with every bit much information as possible for the following applied scientist to take over. Whil st finishing these exigency works we besides have to cover any other calls that arise throughout the twenty-four hours, so on this juncture I made the determination to use impermanent sub-contract labor to transport out plants to guarantee continuance of service. The wellness Centre fire dismay system was fixed within 24 hours with occupants of the site non being cognizant that there was of all time such an issue and other clients were dealt with expeditiously with the production of sub-contract labor. Whilst being an effectual leader I find I am still sometimes intimidated when confrontation arises with technology staff. I have put this bullying down to a limited proficient cognition and this should be improved. Organizational Committedness I late changed the manner our service section runs. We used to run applied scientists within nucleus concern hours 08:30 – 17:00, with an exigency service to cover outside these times. It became evident to me that due to the nature of the concerns we operate within that our nucleus hours needed to alter to accommodate, with applied scientists start and finish times being staggered. I spoke to my technology and office staff as this would non merely consequence the applied scientists we would besides hold to alter our office hours ( including mine ) . After explicating to everyone the nature of the sites we looked after and the operational troubles they incur I was pleased to observe that everyone was really willing to come in into treatments sing a alteration in working hours. These alterations have had positive and negative effects on the lives of my staff but I was pleased and proud to observe that they were all willing to co-operate and move in a new way with the company. Th is resulted in the company being able to accommodate to new concern and supply an drawn-out service where required. I find that there are no spreads within my organizational committedness. When employed by a company I am highly loyal and set all attempt and energy into doing the company a success. Conceptual Thinking As the companies ISO9001 internal hearer it is within my function to finish a full set of process and procedure audits every 12 months. There have been a batch of alterations within the company over the last 12 months and this has led to the re-evaluation of our company procedures. I believe that procedures and processs are implemented to help a concern in running with professionalism and quality, non a hinderance. I try to instil in the sections that I audit that these processs are non set in rock and if they do n't work for the company so we should happen something that does. With this in head I started the audit process for this twelvemonth, we looked at the current procedures and processs within the section and I sat down with the Undertaking Managers that have to work to the processs and asked them how they felt the processs aided or hindered them. They mentioned that the processs within their section worked good but the quality of information they received through from the gros s revenues section hindered them in finishing their occupation. I asked them what farther information could be provided to relieve this and we came up with a list of extra information. In this instance the best option was non to alter the processs for the installing section but to alter the processs for the gross revenues section. I created and implemented a checklist of information that the gross revenues section must finish before a occupation can be passed for contract reappraisal. In this state of affairs I understood the job the installing section had by placing forms or connexions, and addressed the cardinal implicit in issue. Conceptual thought includes the integrating of issues and factors into a conceptual model utilizing inductive logical thinking that lead to solutions or feasible options that may non be evidently related or easy identified. I feel I am comfy with this portion of my function and plume myself on seeing declarations through conceptual thought. The weakness I have at this point would be that I am rather protective of the quality system as I built and monitor it. Therefore any unfavorable judgment of the system I take personally and drop everything to measure whether the unfavorable judgment is validated or non. The quality system has been in topographic point for 5 old ages and is audited and reviewed for its effectivity every twelvemonth. Self Control The concern I work within is mostly client service based and whilst my frontline staff will cover with issues that arise ab initio if clients or applied scientists are non happy with a state of affairs so the issue gets passed to me. I was walking through the office when I heard one of the client service misss covering with a ailment. I heard the gentleman on the phone shouting down the line at the miss who was going rather upset. The miss told the client that she would set him through to her director and put the call on clasp. She informed me that the client had his system installed over 6 old ages ago and had a mistake with it. The miss told the client that she could organize an applied scientist and there would be a cost as the system was no longer under guarantee. Once the client realised that he had to pay for an applied scientist he started shouting at the miss stating her that he should n't hold to pay anything and we should repair the mistake for free. I picked up the line to the client and asked how I could assist, he informed me of the same information my staff had and told me I should repair his job for free. I brought up his inside informations from the database and saw the age of the installing and that there was no care contract in topographic point. We offer a 12 or 18 month guarantee period with any installing we provide so this installing was surely out of guarantee. As antecedently the gentleman started to shout down the line about how he expected better aftercare than he had received. I asked the gentleman to quiet down and advised that he would non obtain any declaration whilst shouting at my staff and being opprobrious. We had no duty to this client and it would hold been really easy given his mode to inquire him to travel elsewhere and decline to function him. However, I do non like clients go forthing us with a feeling of ailment will so I advised the client that there was no care contract in topographic point and if he would take out a c are contract with us I would direct an applied scientist to finish the care and expression at the mistake at the same clip which would intend no charge for the mistake. The client was happy with this result and agreed to take out the care contract, he so asked to be put back through to the client service miss and apologised for the mode in which he spoke to her. This was a state of affairs where my response to the job could hold made the state of affairs worse but by exerting a small ego control we obtained a little but long term client. I feel that this is the country in which I need to develop the most as I sometimes find it difficult to show myself with understanding and sympathy. this is chiefly with employees instead than clients and clients. Further HR consciousness would be good. Developing Others We believe in developing our staff to help them in their calling development. We take on staff as learners and develop them throughout their employment at Grantfen. For illustration, as my personal calling and preparation advancements their can non be a whole in the company, person has to be trained to finish the occupation I am presently assigned to. With this in head along with the managers we have chosen the individual to develop into my function and she spends clip alongside me larning the function and placing countries in which preparation is required. We have invested clip, attempt and money in this individual and have put her through legion NVQ ‘s. I believe that puting in people and their development helps the company from a accomplishments position but besides provides the employee with a sense of trueness towards the company Whilst at present the idea of taking over my function is rather dashing to her I am confident that one time all preparation is complete she will be a really capable director. I am sometimes uncomfortable giving employees assessments and happen myself singling out the employees that I feel are more committed to the company and will bring forth long term benefit through preparation. Energy and Passion I love the company I work for and am invariably endeavoring to guarantee that our service section is amongst the best in the state. I believe that one individuals energy and passion to work can be infective and if you have the right squad of people they can feed off of each other ‘s energy. With this in head I set myself a end for the current fiscal twelvemonth that we increase the turnover for the service section by & A ; Acirc ; & A ; lb ; 200K. This was a new country for me as my function has non been specifically gross revenues oriented in the yesteryear. If this end is reached this means the service section will necessitate another applied scientist and client service decision maker. I have communicated this end to our squad and everyone is on board and motivated to win, everyone has expressed a privation to be involved in a underdeveloped section as this creates new calling chances for everyone within the section. As we are still within the fiscal twelvemonth I can non st ate whether we have succeeded but I will province that we are decidedly on mark. Again I do non believe I require development in this country as a am really self motivated and believe in the abilities and end of the company I am employed by. I include below a soul-searching that identifies the countries in which I find myself strong and the countries which will necessitate farther attending every bit good as chances and menaces that this function will supply me with. Self Analysis Strengths Failings Opportunities Menaces Good at Working Alone or in a Team Can Become Obsessive Over Certain Tasks Wider Career Prospects Male Dominated Environment Flexible Lack of Personal Assurance New Challenges Less Experience of Business Management Excellent Communication Skills Can React Emotionally to Work Related Issues Fewer Restraints Current Staffing Requires Re-assignment Well Thought of by Stakeholders Impatient / Want Resolutions Quickly More Autonomy Multitude of Every Day Demands Passionate About the Job / Company / Goals To Learn From Others in Similar Roles Ambitious Loyal Thorough3 – Professional Knowledge DevelopmentI have been working in the Fire and Security industry for 10 old ages and have obtained an highly good working cognition of the industry including a on the job proficient cognition. Over my ten old ages I have been in legion occupation functions and have complete undertakings that did non needfully fall within my occupation function. I feel confident that I can finish most undertakings within the concern which makes me a good campaigner for the function I wish to obtain. But even with this in head I feel that I would necessitate more experience in certain countries before I felt comfy taking a General Manager function. I am on my manner to finishing a grade in Business Management and so will see whether if it would be good to go on on to obtaining an MBA. I feel that I need to obtain farther apprehension in the fiscal field and whilst I have completed the AAT Levels 2 and 3 in Accounting I would profit further from a more in depth cognition of direction accounting. I besides identified a demand for farther Human Resource preparation to enable me to cover with staff efficaciously and reasonably.4 – Professional Development PlanTo accomplish the right degree of competences and makings for the function of General Manager I have completed an action program detailing what activities I will necessitate to set about to turn to all spreads that have been identifiedAreas for DevelopmentHow Area was IdentifiedAction to be TakenTarget DatesShort Term Goals 1. To better proficient cognition Feedback from equal observation. To pass clip with applied scientists on site mistake happening July 2013 2. To go more empathetic with employees Through treatment with co-workers. Complete more staff assessments December 2013 3. To larn how to drive and actuate all squad members Through observation of managers. Through farther HR preparation December 2013 4. To derive assurance in personal accomplishments and abilities Through contemplation in my completion of PDP Through assessments and ongoing pattern of accomplishments and abilities December 2013 Long Term Goals 5. To accomplish a BA ( Hons ) in Business Management After treatments with Directors of sequence within the company To transport on in the completion of class at MMU July 2014 6. To obtain farther apprehension of direction accounting Following completion of AAT degrees 2 and 3 I identified that a farther apprehension of direction histories would be good To take finance as an option in my concluding twelvemonth December 2014 7. To set about farther Human Resources preparation We presently have a HR adviser and following treatments with him i believe farther HR preparation would be good To near the HR adviser and place any preparation available to farther enhance cognition December 2014

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Facebook: positive or negative? Essay

There has been much debate on social media such as, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and others. However, is it technically Positive or Negative? There are many reports on Facebook being a vital object for teens today and there have been plenty of complaints about it as well. My stand on the matter is that Facebook is a vital part of many teens lives, and without it they wouldn’t have the interesting conversation they have nor, the best friends either, they wouldn’t even have the knowledge they consumed on Facebook as well. see more:negatives of social media There are copious amounts of research on the matter, from articles, to essays, to even online reports that give ample reason as to so. It is said by older people, who aren’t as involved in social media as younger people today that kids only pay attention to what’s in front of them, that they don’t care about anything what so ever. â€Å"Kids today, we’re telling you!-don’t read, don’t write, don’t care about anything father in front of them than their iPods† (Goldwasser 237) is it true? Teenagers I see today like to keep up to date with their friends and love ones, making sure they’re okay, making sure they’re not sad, or nothing bad is happening and even becoming closer to those who aren’t so close. For example, some people are becoming closer to their parent, than when they were younger thanks to Facebook. â€Å"Ms.Bomberg, the Cornell student, confesses an upside to her mother being on Facebook, ‘We’re closer now, for sure,’ she says. ‘She treats me more like a friend than she did before’ (White 520). Facebook has become a way for families to become closer, for friends to communicate and loose ties to become tighter. Ms.Bomberg is just one of many examples of family becoming closer. Though, there are things that Ms.Bomberg doesn’t want her mom to know but she most inevitably will find out because of pictures; pictures like her bear ponging posted on Facebook ‘My mother is now looking at pics of me bonging a bear’ White quotes on page 522. Through Facebook you open up your heart more and let people a little closer in you’re life, as Ms.Bomberg has with her mother. Facebook is also a good way to keep up with friends who you aren’t very close to, that you would most likely consider a †weak tie†(Thompson 529). However, those loose ties would inevitably help you in the long run. â€Å"Sociologists have long found that â€Å"weak ties† greatly expand your ability to solve problems. For example, if you’re looking for a job and ask your friends, they won’t have any leads that you don’t already have yourself. Remote acquaintances will be much more useful, because they’re farther afield, yet still socially intimate enough to want to help you out† (Thompson 529). Those â€Å"weak ties† come in handy, without Facebook you wouldn’t be able to keep them in contact; and those little things they might know that you don’t will remain undiscovered. Keeping people in contact is always great, they will come in handy one day, and they will jump to the chance to help you because people like to help and get involved and â€Å"want to help you out† (Thompson 529). It’s all how you use Facebook or any other social media. Some use it for negative reasons such as, gossip, and killing time while at work or school, others use it as a vital source of information. I always use my online use in a reliable manner; I constantly post my views on matters I read about online. My friends and I are always getting into small debates. Through these debates I view how my friends speak and what type of methods they use to win their point. I’ve notice the one’s using real hardcore evidence such as, history reference’s, pie charts and articles as their source people are more ample to agree with them. I also learn that if you simplify what you are saying people will feel more comfortable accepting what you have to say because they won’t view you as a threat, and will feel more comfortable around you. In addition Facebook helps teens to be more empathetic to their peers. For example in an online source it is said that â€Å"In one new survey of 1,200 teens and young adults, the more time spent on Facebook and instant messaging, the greater their online and real-world empathy, or ability to understand and relate to others’ feelings.†(Laino). Facebook is helping teens today to be more sympathetic to their others peers, actually caring for their friends. â€Å"I see a lot of kids reaching out to friends, showing a lot of caring, online. And that translates to offline,†(Laino). Sometimes Facebook is a great way to help teens to feel for their other peers more easily, and want to help. Without Facebook these teens would not care how their friends feel, and probably won’t be there to comfort them when needed. I have a friend who was going through a rough time not so long ago, without Facbook I wouldn’t have known what was wrong with him, and I wouldn’t have been able to be there for him. Facebook is also a great way to help teens express their feelings to the world. Some teens find it hard to talk about their feelings, their thoughts or how they feel; I know I do, and Facebook has become a way for one to do that for themselves. ’Facebook help teens to express who they are,’ Rosen says in Laino online article. Without Facebook or any other social media a lot of teens would have no source to express how they feel or what they think, and they would just hold it inside, which is not good. However, not only does Facebook help teens express themselves it also helps those few shy individuals come out of their shells. ‘Online social networking can also make it easier for shy kids and teens to socialize by reaching out to others from a smart device rather than in person’ Rosen says† (Laino). Facebook has become a way for shy individuals to spread their wings and come out of their shells, it makes it easier for them to communicate with others and find confidence in themselves. Social media has become a wide spread for people in a positive matter. In today’s society Facebook is becoming a sensation; imagine the education teens could acquire from online, if their professors used Facebook as an academic resource, they could achieve so much from online use, such as Facebook or any social media, â€Å"For instance, in such a space professors and students can participate in the sharing of knowledge, by posting articles (and responses to them), speaker events, lectures and personal experiences involving topics related to the course. When this happens, Facebook can be a boom to education, actively engaging students in the pursuit of knowledge. â€Å"(Andrews). If teachers used online resources, and articles to engage their student they would most likely get more attention and more feed back from them but also, their parents would be able to see what their children are learning and how they could take an active stand in their Childs education. Facebook could be a â€Å"boom to education† (Andrews) if they knew How to use it in the right manner to involve their students. For example, the teachers could post up current events on different matters of the world have the students write their views and what they think, they could have civil debates online concerning the matters to get the students more involved. The teachers could also post of pictures of different topics and have the students analyze it. There are so many things you could do online in an easy manner, and their parents would be able to watch over it as well. Though some people would say Facebook is bad for their children, and others would say it’s good for their children, I say it’s great for their children or any other teen or young adult. Facebook has become a way for people to communicate with one another from long distance, it has become a way for teens to communicate with their peers more easily, and it’s a way for teens to reach out to one another. Facebook is a huge impact on most people’s lives, it helps people learn from one another, it helps people be more empathetic and it helps socialize people that aren’t very social. Facebook or any other social media has help out teens and their family to become closer to one another, and create tighter bonds with different people.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mountains Essays - Plate Tectonics, Volcanology, Igneous Petrology

Mountains Essays - Plate Tectonics, Volcanology, Igneous Petrology Mountains I. INTRODUCTION A mountain is an elevated land mass usually higher than its surroundings. Some are isolated, but they usually appear in ranges(MsBs95W32). "A group of ranges closely related in form, origin, and alignment is a mountain system; an elongated group of systems is a chain; and a complex of ranges, systems, and chains continental in extent is a cordillera, zone, or belt."(MsBs95W32). Some mountains are remains of plateaus, mesas, and buttes, through erosion(Summerfield). Others are cones of volcanoes formed with igneous rock. Fault-block mountains occur where blocks of the earth's surface are raised relative to other neighboring blocks. Most of the great mountains are either fold mountains or complex structures formed by many different natural activities. The ultimate cause of mountain building is only theoretical and abstract. Although, the plate tectonics is the first reasonable theory, stating that the crust of the earth breaks into several parts that eventually collide with another. Where they collide, stresses cause deformation and uplift of the land, which forms folded and/or faulted mountain chains. The highest point on earth, Mt. Everest, is also believed to have been formed by folding when the Australian-Indian plate collided with the Eurasian plate. II.TABLE OF CONTENTS IINTRODUCTION IITABLE OF CONTENTS III.TYPES OF MOUNTAINS 1. VOLCANOES 2. FOLDING & FAULTING 3. RESIDUAL MOUNTAINS IV.VOLCANO FORMATION 1. TYPES & NOMENCLATURE 2. PROCESS 3. EXAMPLE V.FOLDING AND FAULTING 1. PROCESS 2. EXAMPLE VI.PLATEAUS TO MOUNTAINS 1. TYPE 2. EXAMPLE VII.CONCLUSION VIII.BIBLIOGRAPHY III.TYPES OF MOUNTAINS M ountains can be created in many different ways. Two very well-known and quite common ones are volcanic mountains and folded mountains. Other important ones include residual mountain formation in which a plateau is eroded away into a mountain. 1. Volcanoes Volcanoes are formed when the magma reserves underground erupts. Also There are many different types of eruptions that the Geologists have classified into, according to their location, style, and other features. These variations contribute to the different and distinct shapes of each volcanoes. 2. Folding & Faulting According to the Microsoft Office Bookshelf 1995, the earth is changing its shape constantly every year by a few centimeters. This caused the earth to move from one huge continent called Pangea to what it looks like now in almost 200 million years(30 Boehm). When the giant pieces of landmasses move around, they tend to bump into each other some day. When they collide, they create a fold, and if the fold gets too much pressure, it breaks and becomes a fault. Fold and Fault mountains are ubiquitous throughout the world. 3. Residual Mountains Due to the weathering, parts of the world change frequently, but slowly. This can also happen to a plateau. If a small plateau?s edges are washed away by rain and wind, it forms a new mountain-like structure, which we call residual mountain, meaning that it became a mountain from the remainders of many erosions. VI.VOLCANO FORMATION V olcanoes are one of the "fastest of all the processes making the Earth?s relief features"(quoted from 2 Scarth). While some eruptions are quick and powerful, others can be very slow and continue for over hundreds of thousands of years.(2 Scarth). Two thirds of the volcanoes can be found in the Pacific ring of fire(14 Scarth). Most others are usually submerged undersea, or makes up an island with cooled igneous rocks; Hawaii rises 9000m above the sea floor. Magma, which is what igneous rocks were to begin with, is formed from molten parts of asthenosphere(150-650km under ground) which is a part of the upper mantle(60-650km u.g.)(p20-21 Scarth). A. Types & Nomenclature The volcanoes are classified by its eruptive style and by the type of magma it ejects(32 Scarth). There is almost an infinite number of kinds of volcanoes possible, but most geologists divide them into four main groups: Hawaiian, Vulcanian, Strombolian, and Pelean(33 Scarth). These names all come from famous volcanoes around the world, but not all other volcanoes always exactly fit in to one group, and there are other minor groups such as Flood basalt, Surtseyan, Plinian, Debris-avalanche(34 Scarth). Here is a table about some volcanoes and their features. B. Process Every volcano has a different style just as they have different names. They sometimes look similar, but most of the times, they are very distinct from the other. The usual process volcanoes go through are, although, quite similar. The lower part of the upper mantle and the transition zone between

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cathode Definition and Identification Tips

Cathode Definition and Identification Tips The cathode is the electrode from which electrical current departs. The other electrode is named the anode. Keep in mind, the conventional definition of current describes the direction a positive electric charge moves, while most of the time electrons are true current carries. This can be confusing, so the mnenomic CCD for cathode current departs may help reinforce the definition. Usually, current departs in the direction opposite electron movement. The word cathode was coined in 1834 by William Whewell. It comes from the Greek word kathodos, which means way down or descent and refers to the setting sun. Michael Faraday had consulted Whewell for name ideas for a paper he was writing on electrolysis. Faraday explains electric current in an electrolytic cell moves through the electrolyte from East to West, or, which will strengthen to help the memory, that in which the sun appears to move. In an electrolytic cell, the current leaves the electrolyte on the west side (moving outward). Prior to this, Faraday had proposed the term exode, discarding dysiode, westode, and occiode. In Faradays time, the electron had not been discovered. In the modern era, one way to associate the name with current is to think of a cathode as the way down for electrons into a cell. Is the Cathode Positive or Negative? The polarity of the cathode with respect to the anode may be positive or negative. In an electrochemical cell, the  cathode is the electrode at which reduction occurs. Cations are attracted to the cathode. Generally, the cathode is the negative electrode in an electrolytic cell undergoing electrolysis or in a recharging battery. In a discharging battery or a galvanic cell, the cathode is the positive terminal. In this situation, positive ions move from the electrolyte toward the positive cathode, while electrons move inward toward the cathode. The movement of electrons towards the cathode (which carry a negative charge) means current departs from the cathode (positive charge). So, for the Daniell galvanic cell, the copper electrode is the cathode and the positive terminal. If current is reversed in a Daniell cell, an electrolytic cell is produced, and the copper electrode remains the positive terminal, yet becomes the anode. In a vacuum tube or cathode ray tube, the cathode is the negative terminal. This is where electrons enter the device and continue into the tube. A positive current flows out from the device. In a diode, the cathode is indicated by the pointed end of an arrow symbol. It is the negative terminal from which current flows. Even though current may flow in both directions through a diode, naming is always based on the direction in which current flows most easily. Mnemonics  to Remember the Cathode in Chemistry In addition to the CCD mnemonic, there are other mnemonics to help identify the cathode in chemistry: AnOx Red Cat stands for oxidation at the anode and reduction at the cathode.The words cathode and reduction both contain the letter c. Reduction occurs at the cathode.It may help to associate the cat in cation as acceptor and an in anion as donor. Related Terms In electrochemistry, the cathodic current describes the flow of electron from the cathode into solution. The anodic current is the flow of electrons from solution into the anode.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Is Present-Day English a creole Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Is Present-Day English a creole - Research Paper Example The developments in the English language that witnessed the advancement of the period had been found in the Middle English realized in the four centuries between 11th and 16th century. The argument in the advancement of the English language had been placed that the entity developed from the manipulation of pidgin. The argument had been placed that the language had witnessed manipulation and inclusion of creolisation to realize the changes in the language. The progression had been witnessed in the language as it transformed from the Old English to Middle English. These terms had been applied to suggest the advancements that had existed in the language and the definitions accorded, as various events brought transformation witnessed and inclusion of Creole effect on English. The result saw the inclusion of variable verbs and sentence structure that had resembled the influence from a foreign entity that had prompted the suggestion of Creole. To articulate the steps that had been involved in the transformation, there needs to be an analysis of the changes that were realized in the Old English system as it advanced to Middle English. The argument is placed to link Creole to English and the connection shared in the history of the English language. ... The changes that had been introduced in the English language had been more prominent during the Middle Ages. The resemblance of Old English of the AD 1000 period had resembled the ancient Germanic languages. Furthermore, the language had been noted to fail to meet the intelligent expectation of the speakers as compared to the Middle English established during AD 1400. The transformation within the language had been advanced in varied measures that had been developed in colonization by both Scandinavian group and Normans. The presentation would lead to the inclusion of the effects of the Anglo-Norman within the spoken English vocabulary as presented in the modern society. The Scandinavians, on the other hand, contributed to the witnessed simplicity of the vocabulary in the language that had been profoundly influenced by the Anglo-Norman origin. These changes had been on a limited platform and failed to spread to South West England that saw advancement of Old English into a recognized literal language. The Normans had invaded in 1066, a development that saw the enhancement of the literal English from the influence in London. The leading societal institutions adopted the trend to include the technical aspect in the language that had been influenced tremendously by the Old Norman system. The Renaissance adopted the provision to develop the language based on the desire to incorporate aspects within the development as had been with the other leading languages. The development saw advancement of the English vocabulary that had relied on other languages to achieve the noticed developments. This had been witnessed in the inclusion of Norman and French to present the platform and source to derive foreign vocabulary. Proto-English The group recognized as the